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New Patients at Amplify Life Chiropractic

We believe that healing begins as soon as you enter Amplify Life Chiropractic, so whenever possible we like to have you complete any paperwork online ahead of time – that way, we can get right to the work of helping you feel better! We accept most insurance, so bring your photo ID and insurance card. And if you have had any X-rays or MRIs in the past month, bring those as well.

Your First Visit

Your first visit begins with a complimentary consultation with Dr. Stephen or Dr. Julia, who will listen as you explain your health history. Once we’ve determined that our approach is a good fit for you, we’ll let you know what the exam will entail and how much it will cost. Then, with your permission, we will do a thorough exam and, in most cases, take X-rays and test how your autonomic nervous system is functioning. After the exam, we will usually do an adjustment to give you some relief.

Your Second Visit

After your first visit, we’ll review your X-rays and write our report of findings, which we will go over with you at your second visit. We’ll tell you everything, explaining what we see, what’s wrong, what we need to do to correct it, how long treatment will take, and how much it will cost. We will also verify your insurance for you, so by your second visit you’ll know what you can expect for the course of your treatment.

After explaining everything to you, if you’re ready, we’ll begin your treatment so you can start feeling better and functioning the way you were intended to.

Full Service

We pride ourselves on being a full-service practice in St. Peters, so we will make the calls to verify and file insurance for you. We accept:

  • Medicare/Medicaid
  • Family Plans
  • HSAs
  • Credit Cards

And we are an in-network provider for many insurance companies.

Contact us today to schedule your first appointment. We’ll usually have you in and out in 20 minutes so you can get back to your day!


New Patients at Amplify Life Chiropractic | (636) 477-8885